Here are links which readers might find interesting or useful on related topics concerning either writing, Science Fiction or the phenomena of Unidentified Flying Objects.
Other writers I would recommend
Frank writes the excellent and humorous 'Surviving The Evacuation' series which follows the diary of one man trying to survive the Zombie holocaust across a desolate and dangerous United Kingdom - Frank has also been incredibly helpful and supportive in terms of me getting my book series off the ground.
Kim Stanley Robinson. The man responsible for the epic Mars trilogy which I just started reading after I completed the manuscript for the first Diamonds book.
Joe Abercrombie. A writer to be reckoned with to be sure and incredibly witty and dry humoured prose. His new Viking novel is the one I would recommend.
Malorie Blackman. Her Noughts and Crosses series presents racism in a while new light in her dystopian future.
Lucy Hay. A lady I am lucky enough to call a friend. Lucy writes an incredibly useful and often funny column called ‘Bang to Write’ as well as working on numerous books and screenplays, her latest novel ‘The Other Twin’ is out now. Her writer’s blog can be found here http://www.bang2write.com/
Her website is http://www.lucyvhayauthor.com/
Writer’s useful tools and organisations
Watpad – A place you can publish your chapters or even your entire manuscript eventually and receive feedback from other writers.
The British Fantasy Society
The British Science Fiction Association
Great tips for writers from the master, Elmore Leonard
UFO Societies
BUFORA – The British UFO Research Association which has been running since the 1960s.
The British Earth and Aerials Mysteries Society (BEAMS) - Apparently the society containing the most comprehensive selection of UFO film footage and photographs. They even offer an Alien Abduction counselling service!